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International : North America : Canada : Quebec : 02. Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean

Parois du Saguenay

Parois du Saguenay

Pierre-Y. Plourde & François-Xavier Garneau / Rakkup / 2020

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Ce topo-guide est indispensable pour la pratique de l'escalade dans la région du Saguenay. La qualité des photos et le recours aux pictogrammes rendent la navigation facile à comprendre et à utiliser. Le contenu couvre la Ville de Saguenay, Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, Ferland-et-Boilleau, le Parc national du Saguenay, L'Anse-Saint-Jean. Une trentaine de secteurs, plus de 70 blocs et parois d'escalade et plus de 500 itinéraires illustrés.

This guidebook is essential for the practice of climbing in the Saguenay region. The quality of pictures combined with the use of pictograms make navigation easy to understand and use. The content covers the Ville de Saguenay, Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, Ferland et Boilleau, the Parc national du Saguenay, L'Anse-Saint-Jean. Thirty sectors, more than 70 boulders and cliffs and over 500 illustrated climbs.

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Parois d'escalade du Saguenay

Parois d'escalade du Saguenay

By: Pierre-Yves Plourde & François-Xavier GarneauPublished by: Les Éditions JCL

ISBN: 978-2-89431-364-0
140 X 216 mm (5,5 X 8,5 po)
434 pages
November 2006

International : North America

Rock N Road by Tim Toula.

Rock N Road

Tim Toula, Falcon Publishing

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Rock N Road: An Atlas of North American Climbing Areas, is a comprehensive listing of every chunk of protruding stone on the continent. This is not a typical guidebook: there are no topos or route descriptions and only a few photos. Instead, the atlas provides a paragraph or two on each destination, with quality ratings, stats on number of climbs, and a list of the best routes. This is an essential reference item for those in search of new or less-documented crags.


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