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Classic Climbs for Vedauwoo

Mountain Project's determination of the most popular, highly-rated routes.

V3 6A
The Biggest Tits in Country Music
Trad, Boulder
V3+ 6A+
V4 6B
Brown Eyed Girl
V4 6B
Don't Fence Me In (aka Suzuki Roof)
V5 6C
Roast Possum Vinegar Pie
V5+ 6C+
Soak'em In Cider
V6 7A
Crack Named Sue
Trad, Boulder
V6 7A
Sun Up To Sundown
V6 7A
Bombay Hooker
V7 7A+
V8-9 7B+
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a
Hideaway Chimney
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Edward's Crack
Trad 2 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Trad 2 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Hassler's Hatbox Route
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Mother 1
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Lower Slot and Upper Slot
Trad 2 pitches
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Strawberry Jam
Trad 2 pitches
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Le Petit Arbre
Trad 2 pitches
5.8+ 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Straight and Narrow
5.9- 5c 17 VI 16 HVS 4c
The Convict
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
MRC Direct
Trad 2 pitches
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
Middle Parallel Space
Trad 2 pitches
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
Trad, TR 2 pitches
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
Lower Progressive
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
Climb and Punishment
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
Tool Or Die
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
Plumb Line
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a
Trad 2 pitches
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a
5.10- 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a
Main Lane
5.10- 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a V0+ 4+
Sweet Unnamed Crack aka Box Cany…
Trad, Boulder
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b
Friday the 13th
Trad 3 pitches
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b
Monkey Wrench
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Trad 2 pitches
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Pooh Corner
Trad 2 pitches
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Raised On Robbery
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b
Currey's Diagonal
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b
Flying Buttress
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b
SS Maywood
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b V1 5
Trad, Boulder
5.10b/c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b
A Thing of Beauty
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b
Penis Dimension
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b
Jay's Solo
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b
Left Torpedo Tube
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b
Hard to Believe
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Mud in Your Eye
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Captain Nemo
Trad 2 pitches
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Medium Cool
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Moonrise Variation (Moontide?)
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Horn's Mother
Trad 2 pitches
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Hung Like a Horse
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Trad, TR
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Burning Man
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Father 1
5.11- 6c 22 VIII- 22 E3 5c
Hesitation Blues
Trad 2 pitches
5.11- 6c 22 VIII- 22 E3 5c
Bat Guano Crack (mistakenly aka…
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Closer to the Sun
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Take 5
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
The Spins
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c V2- 5+
Out of Sight
Trad, Boulder
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Trad 2 pitches
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Big Pink
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Blade Runner
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
Ghost Dance
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
Automotive Supply House
Trad 2 pitches
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
October Light
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
Worm Drive
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V2 5+
Classic Splitter
Trad, Boulder
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V2 5+
Spin to Win
Trad, Boulder
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V3 6A
Beer Crack
Trad, Boulder
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V4 6B
Nat's Three Star Roof
Trad, Boulder
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Max Factor
Trad 2 pitches
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Climbs of Passion Exit
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Whipping Boy
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Soft Parade
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
The All Weather Circus
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a
Right Torpedo Tube
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a
5.11c/d 7a 24 VIII 25 E4 6a V3- 6A
Old Dogs New Trick
Trad, Boulder
5.11d 7a 24 VIII 25 E5 6a
Eleven Cent Moon
Trad, TR
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Fourth Of July Crack (Hard Promi…
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Space Oddity (a.k.a. Significant…
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a R
The Forever War
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a V4 6B
Life Without Parole
Trad, Boulder
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a V5- 6C
Trad, Boulder
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b
Pretty Girls with Long Knives
Trad 2 pitches
5.12 7b+ 27 VIII+ 26 E6 6b
Trad, TR
5.12 7b+ 27 VIII+ 26 E6 6b
Master of Sport
5.12+ 7c 28 IX 27 E6 6b
New Mutant
5.12+ 7c 28 IX 27 E6 6b V7 7A+
The Warden
Trad, Boulder
5.12d 7c 28 IX 28 E6 6b V7 7A+
Trad, Boulder
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
The Biggest Tits in Country… Old Easy
V3 6A Trad, Boulder
Classic Vedauwoo Boulde… > Nat's Three Star Roof
V3+ 6A+ Boulder
Brown Eyed Girl Roof Ranch
V4 6B Boulder
Don't Fence Me In (aka Suzu… Campjack Rocks
V4 6B Boulder
Roast Possum Vinegar Pie Vedauwoo Boulde… > Coyote Rocks -… > Roast Possum Vinegar…
V5 6C Boulder
Soak'em In Cider Nautilus
V5+ 6C+ Boulder
Crack Named Sue Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Miscellaneous Lower B…
V6 7A Trad, Boulder
Sun Up To Sundown Nautilus
V6 7A Boulder
Bombay Hooker Old Easy
V6 7A Boulder
Lois Upper Devil's Playground
V7 7A+ Boulder
Analog Land of the Rising Moon
V8-9 7B+ Boulder
Hideaway Chimney Holy Saturday
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a Trad
Edward's Crack Walt's Wall
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
Screw Valley Massif
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
Hassler's Hatbox Route Hassler's Hatbox
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad
Mother 1 Nautilus
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad
Lower Slot and Upper Slot Nautilus
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
Strawberry Jam Crystal Freeway
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad 2 pitches
Le Petit Arbre Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair I
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad 2 pitches
Straight and Narrow Land of the Rising Moon
5.8+ 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad
The Convict Maze (aka Amaze-ing)
5.9- 5c 17 VI 16 HVS 4c Sport
Finally Nautilus
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad
MRC Direct Old Easy
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad 2 pitches
Middle Parallel Space Nautilus
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad 2 pitches
Fallout Coke Bottle
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad
Labyrinth Reynolds Hill
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad, TR 2 pitches
Lower Progressive Nautilus
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Climb and Punishment Reynolds Hill
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Fantasia Poland Hill
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Tool Or Die Valley Massif
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Plumb Line 700L/Plumb Line… > Plumb Line Crag > Lower Tier
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Intimidation Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair III
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Trad
Skull Poland Hill
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a Trad 2 pitches
Mainstreet Coke Bottle
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a Trad
Main Lane Reynolds Hill
5.10- 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a Trad
Sweet Unnamed Crack aka Box… Vedauwoo Boulde… > Box Canyon (Central)
5.10- 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a V0+ 4+ Trad, Boulder
Friday the 13th Nautilus
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b Trad 3 pitches
Monkey Wrench Valley Massif
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b Trad
Beefeater Holdout
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad 2 pitches
Pooh Corner Reynolds Hill
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad 2 pitches
Raised On Robbery Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair I
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad
Currey's Diagonal Holdout
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad
Flying Buttress Nautilus
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad
SS Maywood Blair (overview) > Upper Blair > N Corner
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad
Cupcake Nautilus
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b V1 5 Trad, Boulder
A Thing of Beauty Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair II
5.10b/c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b Trad
Penis Dimension Reynolds Hill
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b Trad
Jay's Solo 700L/Plumb Line… > Short Wall
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b Trad
Left Torpedo Tube Nautilus
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b Trad
Hard to Believe Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair III
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b Trad
Mud in Your Eye Ice Box (later rename…
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Trad
Captain Nemo Nautilus
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Trad 2 pitches
Medium Cool Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair II
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Trad
Moonrise Variation (Moontide?) Land of the Rising Moon
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Trad
Horn's Mother Coke Bottle
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad 2 pitches
MaxiLash Nautilus
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad
Hung Like a Horse Reynolds Hill
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad
Misfits 700L/Plumb Line… > Short Wall
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad, TR
Burning Man Blair (overview) > Upper Blair > John's Tower
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad
Father 1 Nautilus
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad
Hesitation Blues Nautilus
5.11- 6c 22 VIII- 22 E3 5c Trad 2 pitches
Bat Guano Crack (mistakenly… Nautilus
5.11- 6c 22 VIII- 22 E3 5c Trad
Closer to the Sun 700L/Plumb Line… > Plumb Line Crag > Upper Tier
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
Take 5 Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair III
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
The Spins 700L/Plumb Line… > Plumb Line Crag > Upper Tier
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
Out of Sight Vedauwoo Boulde… > Walt's Rib
5.11a/b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c V2- 5+ Trad, Boulder
Boardwalk Coke Bottle
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad 2 pitches
Big Pink 700L/Plumb Line… > Plumb Line Crag > Lower Tier
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
Blade Runner Land of the Rising Moon
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
Gloria Gorilla Rock
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Trad
Ghost Dance Nautilus
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad
Automotive Supply House Nautilus
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad 2 pitches
Spectreman Blair (overview) > Upper Blair > Heap
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad
October Light Nautilus
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad
Worm Drive 700L/Plumb Line… > Worm Drive
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad
Classic Splitter Old Easy
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V2 5+ Trad, Boulder
Spin to Win Vedauwoo Boulde… > Nat's Three Star Roof
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V2 5+ Trad, Boulder
Beer Crack Vedauwoo Boulde… > 700S Boulders
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V3 6A Trad, Boulder
Nat's Three Star Roof Vedauwoo Boulde… > Nat's Three Star Roof
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c V4 6B Trad, Boulder
Max Factor Nautilus
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Trad 2 pitches
Climbs of Passion Exit Reynolds Hill
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Trad
Whipping Boy Nautilus
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Trad
Soft Parade Parade Rock
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Trad
The All Weather Circus Cove
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Sport
Right Torpedo Tube Nautilus
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a Trad
Crankenstein Nautilus
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a Trad
Old Dogs New Trick Spelunk Spire
5.11c/d 7a 24 VIII 25 E4 6a V3- 6A Trad, Boulder
Eleven Cent Moon Holdout
5.11d 7a 24 VIII 25 E5 6a Trad, TR
Fourth Of July Crack (Hard… Walt's Wall
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Trad
Space Oddity (a.k.a. Signif… Coke Bottle
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
Squat Roof Ranch
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Trad
The Forever War Reynolds Hill
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a R Trad
Life Without Parole Vedauwoo Boulde… > Dungeon
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a V4 6B Trad, Boulder
Desiderata Old Easy
5.12- 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a V5- 6C Trad, Boulder
Pretty Girls with Long Knives Blair (overview) > Lower Blair I,… > Lower Blair III
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b Trad 2 pitches
Lucille Hassler's Hatbox
5.12 7b+ 27 VIII+ 26 E6 6b Trad, TR
Master of Sport Land of the Rising Moon
5.12 7b+ 27 VIII+ 26 E6 6b Trad
New Mutant Nautilus
5.12+ 7c 28 IX 27 E6 6b Trad
The Warden Vedauwoo Boulde… > Dungeon
5.12+ 7c 28 IX 27 E6 6b V7 7A+ Trad, Boulder
Psychoshop Old Easy
5.12d 7c 28 IX 28 E6 6b V7 7A+ Trad, Boulder

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