This is a nice beginner area with a few short and fun slab routes.
The crag is basically in the parking lot and very close to the bathroom, which could be great reasons to choose this crag depending on who you are climbing with for the day. One very cool part of this area is the fact that it has great access being right off the paved path.
Routes L to R:
Turn the Tide, 6, 1p, 40', bolts.
Slabtastical Voyage, 7, 1p, 60', bolts.
Toprope Variation, 6, 1p, TR.
Creek Cruisin', 4, 1p, 40', bolts.
Riding the Bull, 8, 1p, 40', bolts.
Make it Count, 7, 1p, 40', bolts.
Not Trash, 6, 1p.
Park at Tunnel 5 parking area, the new paved lot by the bathroom on the west side of the tunnel. Hike downstream on the Peaks to Plains Trail for about 5 seconds, and you'll arrive at the crag on the righthand side of the trail.