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Pirate Poverty



In the middle of Sligo Creek near a slightly trafficked dirt path , in an ephemeral tributary to the Sligo Creek. There are strict ethics in this area as determined by the first ascensions and enforced the the grand edict of the Routes Of the Creek Society (ROCS). They are as follows: 1) No chalk under any circumstances, under penalty of having your house covered in ugly white splotches, 2) No climbing shoes (bare feet or street shoes only) 3) No cleaning of the moss, lichen etc. the only cleaning of the rock that may be done is sweeping the dirt and leaves off the boulder with a broom 

Getting There

At the end of Greenbrier Lane where it hits Sligo Creek park. Walk 30 ft straight across the grass and go right on the dirt trail. Take a right onto a side trail before you come the the first bench (maybe 150 ft). The one boulder in this area is 20 ft in over the ephemeral stream bed.

Routes from Left to Right

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Old Man on Pirate Poverty boulder
[Hide Photo] Old Man on Pirate Poverty boulder