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Whitewater Buttress

N Carolina > 2. Northern Mou… > Nolichucky Gorge
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


The gear and rock seem solid and placements were plentiful enough on the few routes that have been established. There's the expected amount of choss due to having no traffic there, but the holds tend to be pretty solid.

There is potential for more routes, both hard, overhung sport as well as trad.

As of now, there are only two established climbs here, but there is lots of potential for more. Both initial routes were put up onsight, ground up on gear.

I whipped up a PDF guidebook

Getting There

Park at the Poplar River Access on the Nolichucky, then head downstream until you reach the crag. Leaving your car there overnight is common practice among rafters and seems to be considered safe enough.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Rap anchor to descend from Tier 1 to the ground on a single 70
[Hide Photo] Rap anchor to descend from Tier 1 to the ground on a single 70
Sunrise at camp near the base of Whitewater Buttress
[Hide Photo] Sunrise at camp near the base of Whitewater Buttress
Getting around Whitewater Buttress
[Hide Photo] Getting around Whitewater Buttress
Whitewater Buttress seen from the approach
[Hide Photo] Whitewater Buttress seen from the approach

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Trey Best
Boone, NC
[Hide Comment] Nice work here! Jan 4, 2025