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Dalle du lounge

International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 15. Laurentides > Val-David > Val David Bould… > La Bleue > L'arraché Boulders
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The big slab and L'Arraché are two large boulders at the intersection of trails D and PG. This area is known as the Lounge and has been climbed for decades.


La grosse dalle et L'Arraché sont deux gros blocs que l'on rencontre à l'intersection des sentier D et PG. Ce secteur est surnommé le Lounge et on y grimpe depuis plusieurs décennies.

Getting There

TODO: Get GPS coordinates. Until then, please don't trust the location on Mountain Project and use the official guidebook.

Routes from Left to Right

V5 6C PG13
Top model
V2 5+ PG13
Le Lounge
V0- 4-
Fissure facile
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Top model
V5 6C PG13 Boulder
Le Lounge
V2 5+ PG13 Boulder
Fissure facile
V0- 4- Boulder