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Crystal Belt Boulder

Massachusetts > Central, MA > Rocky Pond


Crystal Belt Boulder is a nice, aesthetic boulder a bit away from the bulk of Rocky Pond's climbing but close to the Barrel Boulder. It has a stark signifying band of quartz that wraps around almost the whole boulder. This is a pretty beautiful feature with some decent climbs on the boulder too, some of which yet to be done.

Getting There

Hike out the logging road, and stay right to travel up the steep hill as you would for the Barrel Boulder. Continue another 100 meters after the hill levels out, staying right (where you would go left to go downhill to the Barrel Boulder), and follow this logging path that curves gradually to the left. Keep an eye out to the right of the trail to see the boulder about 30 meters away from the logging path.

The pin should be pretty spot on.

Routes from Left to Right

V5 6C
The Pants
V4 6B
V1- 5-
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
The Pants
V5 6C Boulder
V4 6B Boulder
V1- 5- Boulder

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West face topo:

1) The Pants, V5.
2) Project.
3) Pogo, V4.
4) Project.
[Hide Photo] West face topo: 1) The Pants, V5. 2) Project. 3) Pogo, V4. 4) Project.
A look at the south face and southeast arête. The arête is very rounded and will be especially difficult from a sit. The face on the left is pretty sparse for holds and likely is not possible to climb.
[Hide Photo] A look at the south face and southeast arête. The arête is very rounded and will be especially difficult from a sit. The face on the left is pretty sparse for holds and likely is not possible to cl…