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Backstreet Boulders

New York > Grand Lake Reserve
Warning Access Issue: DetailsDrop down


The lowest tier from the "Cliffs Minor" area. This is a small, relatively clean zone in a well forested setting.

Getting There

Following the trail, pass the "sunbathing rock" and drop down into a small valley. Before heading back uphill to the "First Overlook", take a right into the woods at the lowest point in the valley. Walk 100 feet and find a small outcropping of rocky cliff line with one detached boulder. Several discontinuous cliffs continue farther down the valley.

Routes from Left to Right

V4 6B
The Boyz are Back
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
The Boyz are Back
V4 6B Boulder

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Starts at chest height on left side. Starting hands in yellow.
[Hide Photo] Starts at chest height on left side. Starting hands in yellow.