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California > Central Coast > Santa Barbara > Santa Barbara… > Red Rock


Campus is home to many easy/moderate boulders, and some potentially sketchy landings. Sometimes hard to judge which holds are choss and which are not...give a tug before you commit...

Getting There

If you stay on the same side of the trail as the trailhead, this is the first area you will come to. The most obvious landmark is the large chossy monolith across the main swimming hole. 

Routes from Left to Right

V2 5+
Final Exam
V0+ 4+
V0 4
Cliff Notes
V4 6B
Student -Athlete
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Final Exam
V2 5+ Boulder
V0+ 4+ Boulder
Cliff Notes
V0 4 Boulder
Student -Athlete
V4 6B Boulder

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The approximate line for Final Exam. Sticky rocky bad landing.
[Hide Photo] The approximate line for Final Exam. Sticky rocky bad landing.