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Zeppelin Amphitheatre

New Hampshire > Rumney > Rumney Bouldering > Black Jack Boul… > Black Jack Boulder Area


This is a massive boulder hidden behind the giant Black Jack Boulder. Not very many climbs have been established on the block other than an old school V9. There seems to be potential for a hard double-digit boulder problem found on the immense roof though. This boulder is surrounded by other blocks, so much of its surface isn't climbable. There are lots of caves and corridors in the section where one can escape the summer heat.

Getting There

Locate "Black Jack Crack" then scramble or stem up the short blocks to the left. Once over this cluster, "Zeppelin" will be visible.

Perhaps a slightly easier approach is by walking up the trail to the right of the Umbrella Boulder, then cutting in on the left and venturing through the large cave of the boulder. Be cautious though, there are a few hazardous spots where a misstep could lead to an injury.

Routes from Left to Right

V9 7C PG13
V0- 4-
Basket Ball Shorts
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
V9 7C PG13 Boulder
Basket Ball Shorts
V0- 4- Boulder

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Chimney between the small boulders left of Blackjack Crack to reach Zeppelin
[Hide Photo] Chimney between the small boulders left of Blackjack Crack to reach Zeppelin