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Fall Guys Boulder

Utah > Southeast Utah > Kane Springs Canyon
Warning Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek DetailsDrop down


So, you wanna go crush at Ice Cream Parlor, but the sun isn't up yet. Friction be damned, it's just too cold for your poor little fingers and toes to dance on the dusty bumps of the slab above? No worries. Give yourself time to finish your coffee and watch some crazy sons-a'-guns huck themselves off the cliffs of Kane Springs Canyon while you climb up a few ok-ish lines on this roadside boulder.

It would be impossible for these lines to not have been climbed yet, so FA info gets ???'s.

Getting There

Park at Ice Cream Parlor and walk a minute further down the road. This is a big, obvious boulder on the same side of the road as Ice Cream Parlor.

Routes from Left to Right

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This line is in Yellow. The more quality "Right Slab Problem" is marked in red. The green X marks a hold that looks key for this line. Don't use it -- or do. But know that it will likely break if you yard on it.
[Hide Photo] This line is in Yellow. The more quality "Right Slab Problem" is marked in red. The green X marks a hold that looks key for this line. Don't use it -- or do. But know that it will likely break if y…