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4. The Hideout

Wyoming > Lander Area > Fossil Hill


If the main wall is crowded, windy, or too hot, check out The Hideout. Trees provide the belayer with a bit more shade and the western sci-fi themed routes create a hangout that is out of this world. The routes climb a bit more like Wild Iris than the rest of Fossil Hill. The climbing grades range from 5.8 to 12a with a total of 10 routes. The majority of climbing consists of deep monos, two finger pockets and large jugs with a couple of natural mono under-clings. The length of the routes are a bit shorter than the main wall but no shorter than the majority of the routes at Wild Iris.  

Entering the Hideout

From "Bullet For Mr. Ducky", continue along the climbers trail that follows the cliff band toward a small grove of pine trees. After a bit you reach a spot along the cliffband where you need to go around a section of rock by going downhill, and then you can follow the trail/ cliffband to the climbing area. Look for the good rock quality.

It is about a 5 minute walk from "Bullet For Mr. Ducky".

Routes from Left to Right

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Bicameral Mind - Ben Crawford Photo
[Hide Photo] Bicameral Mind - Ben Crawford Photo
The Hideout
[Hide Photo] The Hideout
The left center bulge is home to Bicameral Mind.
[Hide Photo] The left center bulge is home to Bicameral Mind.