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The Escape Room

Virginia > Southwest Virgi… > Breaks Intersta… > Prospectors


The Escape Room is a smallish crag of mainly moderate climbs that can be found about midway along the prospector trail. It's routes are shorter and shaded on great sandstone. The real beauty of The Escape Room is the fact that there are a few routes (Up & Out) that you can easily top out and belay up a second. Once on the top you are directly beneath Pinnacle Rock and only about 3 minutes from the parking lot. You can also rap in to this crag from the Pinnacle "Space Station" which gives you fast access to middle prospector routes, business time, and the River Trail. There is much more development that could be done here.

Getting There

About Midway on the prospectors trail, after the river trail head if coming from stateline. Look for a decent trail on the uphill side of the trail that starts next to a 10' tall dead tree stump. Alternatively, rap off of a set of low anchors on the back side of the "space station" at Pinnacle Rock crag.

Routes from Left to Right

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Escape Room Right sector
[Hide Photo] Escape Room Right sector