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(c) Red Velvet

Washington > Central Region > Frenchman Coule… > Echo Basin > Powerhouse Area


A bit of chossy red rock well-endowed with holds, increasing in angle left to right. The easiest climbs in the Powerhouse area.

Getting There

From the parking lot, hike south to the mesa top. Go through the first slot canyon gully and walk along the east-facing bit of Sunshine Wall. From here a path wanders skier's left across the plateau; follow it until a right turn leads down a narrow gully and a short scramble. The path continues past Moonshine and then up around the corner to Powerhouse: follow it to the end of Powerhouse (obvious chossy chimney) and behold the red wall in front of you.

Routes from Left to Right

5.2 3 8 II 8 D 2c
A Piece of Cake
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c
No Icing
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Lemon Sponge
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Red Devil
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
Double Fudge Cheesecake
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a
Red Velvet
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Cupcake Crack
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
A Piece of Cake
5.2 3 8 II 8 D 2c Sport
No Icing
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c Sport
Lemon Sponge
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Sport
Red Devil
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Sport
Double Fudge Cheesecake
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Sport
Red Velvet
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a Sport
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Sport
Cupcake Crack
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad

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Red Devil on the left (yellow) with Double Fudge Cheesecake (green) on the right
[Hide Photo] Red Devil on the left (yellow) with Double Fudge Cheesecake (green) on the right