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Boogie Man

International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Northern BC > Terrace > Copper Mountain > Copper Boulders


Fun boulder with a big variety of problems and grades.  Low height and flat ground makes for good falls.  Fully exposed to the sun.

1- Monster Truck - V0

2- Face - V0

3- Boogie man arete - V0

4- Boogie man traverse - V1

5- Rain Dogs right - V4

6- Rain Dogs left - V4

7- Up - V1

8- Up yours - V0

9- Up yours traverse - V1

Getting There

Head north from the Buffalo Rock Parking.  Head towards Candy box.  Locate on the left of the Candy Box trail before you reach o Atmophere and Overbite.

Routes from Left to Right

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Boogie Man Topo - Photo Javi Lambert
[Hide Photo] Boogie Man Topo - Photo Javi Lambert
Boogie Man boulder
[Hide Photo] Boogie Man boulder
Boogie Man boulder
[Hide Photo] Boogie Man boulder