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Jenga Area

Tennessee > Dayton Pocket/L… > Trail Split Area > Laurel Falls


This area has a dense concentration of large boulders within a five-minute walk of the trail split, about forty-five minutes from the main parking lot. There are problems in this area ranging from V1 slab to V6 aretes, V5 one movers, and then harder lines such as a V10 face climb and even a V10 one-mover.

Getting There

From the trail junction, head right on the Laurel Falls Trail. After about 5 minutes a few large boulders will be encountered on either side of the trail. A few minutes past these initial blocs and the trail goes underneath a large boulder through a cave. This large boulder has a clean-looking, aesthetic line named "Jenga" on it.

Routes from Left to Right

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Another large boulder with a classic V3 arete climb, a V8 just left of it, and then a rad V10 that is sadly found in front of the tree on the left side of the face.
[Hide Photo] Another large boulder with a classic V3 arete climb, a V8 just left of it, and then a rad V10 that is sadly found in front of the tree on the left side of the face.
The seldom done V10 one-mover, "Jenga".
[Hide Photo] The seldom done V10 one-mover, "Jenga".