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-MDI Bouldering

Maine > -Acadia NP
Warning Access Issue: Annual Trail Closures to protect Peregrine falcons DetailsDrop down


This one area is for all the various boulders around Acadia.

People have been scrambling on the rocks here for ages, from the natives to the Europeans for the last few hundred years. Many casual climbers and tourists enjoy the occasional random line on the stretch between Otter Cliffs and Sand Beach.

This spot is to catch all the classics, and all the chaff. Enjoy what the park has to offer, but remember as you top out that someone has probably climbed it before. So watch the tide come in and out, contemplate the impermanence of things, and enjoy this beautiful spot on the coast.

For an external resource with a bit of bouldering history, photos, videos and boulder location map, check out ​Boulder Acadia​​​

Getting There

Listed in various sub areas.

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Monkey Pants (direct)<br>
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[Hide Comment] As an FYI, the park service counts bouldering development the same as route development. With that in mind, scrubbing boulders can be a bit controversial. Only clean what you NEED to climb a boulder. In areas such as Beech and Canada cliff, DO NOT remove soils or vegetation from the tops of boulders. Clean up your tick marks, and leave no trace(including NOT building landing zones!). Seaside boulders are generally fair game, as those boulders don’t usually contain rare plants or vegetation and have durable lichens. Keep a low profile while you boulder, and be courteous to park service employees. Thanks y’all and happy bouldering! Jun 22, 2020
Avery Churchill
Bar Harbor, ME
[Hide Comment] This page has a fair bit of misguided information regarding names, FA info, grades, and lines. Understandable because of the way boulders have been shared by word of mouth on the island for many years. If you want concrete bouldering info I would recommend looking through the old boulder Acadia site linked above, shooting me a message on Instagram @averyachurchill, or stopping by the new climbing gym Volta in Trenton (we also rent pads!). Remember that bouldering in Acadia is more about the adventure than the v grade and many boulders, even some of those which have overgrown, have seen ascents from past generations. Oct 18, 2022