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CM: Panther Bluff



Nice secluded location. Area in need of development.
One top rope climb so far, but MANY options.
Varied heights from 30-60ish.
Hard rock in need of a little clean up.
Sport routes in the future.

Getting There

Access is through Echo Bluff State Park.
Pull into the camping area (Timbuktu Campground) park near the cemetery or near the shower house.
Basically, get on the creek by the campground and walk upstream until you see the wall(it's a good hike .5 mile, watch out for wild horses).
You will leave state park property and enter Roger Pryor Back Country, which is open to all foot traffic.
GPS Coordinates N -37.320817 W -91.401317
N -37 19.249 W -091 24.079

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Panther Bluff
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