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ERA Wall

New Mexico > Socorro Area > Box Climbing Areas > Spook Canyon


This short wall is downhill and east of Wallflower Wall. Most of the climbs appear to be on the block feature on the left side of the wall. The climbs have generally been stripped of bolt hangers and are presently unclimbable.

Page 44 of "The Enchanted Tower: Sport Climbing Socorro and Datil, New Mexico" by Sal Maestes & Matthew Jones (1993) lists these climbs (should be renamed when the area is re-equipped):

Gang Bang Wall (renamed now on Mountain Project)

Fetal Screams 5.10 TR
Short Man's complex 5.11c (3 bolts and chains)
IYRESE 5.10c (3 bolts and chains)
Driving Miss Sally 5.12a (3 bolts and chains)
Fecal Shmegma 5.9 (3 bolts and chains)
Project (anchors only)
Fuck, I Don't Care 5.6 TR

Perhaps one of the Socorro locals can identify the climbs from the individual posted photos.

The climbs appear to be (from left to right, some may be missed):

pillar TR (anchor studs)

block route left (anchor studs and 3 protection bolts)
block TR (just right of above, anchor studs only)
block route center (anchor studs and 3 protection bolts)
block route right (both anchor and protection bolt studs)

black streak TR (anchor studs)

Getting There

Walk on the trail as to Wallflower but amble right to the shorter rock.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Gang Bang Wall--black streak TR
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--black streak TR
Gang Bang Wall--center block route
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--center block route
Gang Bang Wall--right block route
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--right block route
Gang Bang Wall--TR right of left block route
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--TR right of left block route
Gang Bang Wall--left climb on block feature
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--left climb on block feature
Gang Bang Wall--left pillar
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall--left pillar
Gang Bang Wall center
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall center
Gang Bang Wall
[Hide Photo] Gang Bang Wall

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] One name, associated with this area, mentioned in the 1993 guide is Mic Heynekamp. Oct 24, 2017
Andrew Ellis
Albuquerque, NM
[Hide Comment] Not sure there was a good reason to share this area on MP.

There is a reason this area had been forgotten, largely the names. I understand the tradition of keeping area and route names the same, but if someone every did decide to rehab this area, I think there is a sound reason in this day and age for forgoing tradition and advocating for doing away with these atrocious names. If this area is not going to see redevelopment, than I think it is worth perhaps removing it from MP.

It is 2018, we can be better than the man that developed this area should have been. Mar 5, 2018
[Hide Comment] The names are bad but the area could be re-equipped with both hardware and names (wall name now changed). I posted so that others so inclined might remember the area. Socorro can always use a few more routes. Mar 6, 2018