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Green Cave

Utah > Wasatch Range > Northern Wasatch > Cache Valley > Green Canyon > Green Canyon Bo… > Cave


The main huge boulder with a couple classic, steep, thuggy lines out of the main cave. The lines topout straight up, but an optional traverse can be done following the lip of the cave all the way left and down that doesn't change the grades significantly. There are also some easier vertical v0-2s on this bloc, left of the main cave, and next to the batcave. Again, please refrain from having fires in this cave or building rock walls so that we can all enjoy it.

Getting There

The first place you get to by approach, from the campsite walk past the start of the boulder right to reach cave entrance.

Routes from Left to Right

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cave boulder
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Cave entrance. photo by Bobby Seo
[Hide Photo] Cave entrance. photo by Bobby Seo