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Overpass Area

Ohio > Southwest Ohio > Mad River Gorge… > MRG Southeast (aka Da…


The Overpass Area is located directly west of the Route 68 overpass, and is the area furthest down the main path if you turn right after coming down the main stairs. The approach is still very easy (you follow the trail created by the old railroad bed) and takes approximately 5 minutes. If you go under the overpass... you've gone too far.

This area stays in the shade all day due to the tree cover and tends to seep more than the other cliffs in the area, but some routes will still be dry after a rain.

Getting There

After walking past the kiosk down onto the main trail, go right (the river will be on your left) and walk approximately .5 mile down the path until you get to the overpass. The wall will be on the right.

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Photo of Tire Fire (5.11a) (blue) and Meltdown (5.11c) (red)- shared anchors (purple)
[Hide Photo] Photo of Tire Fire (5.11a) (blue) and Meltdown (5.11c) (red)- shared anchors (purple)
Tire Fire 5.11a
[Hide Photo] Tire Fire 5.11a
Overpass Area map and roped climbs
[Hide Photo] Overpass Area map and roped climbs
Overpass area
[Hide Photo] Overpass area
Overpass Area
[Hide Photo] Overpass Area