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Sector Europa

Washington > Northeast Corne… > Metaline Falls


As the name suggests, Sector Europa is pretty Euro, with overhung limestone tufa routes, two longish easy slab climbs, and some vertical balancey stuff all accessed by a short via ferrata. 

Getting There

From the "parking lot" walk the well beaten trail to the zenith of Washington Rock, a popular local hangout. From here follow a less obvious trail downhill to the east. The trail will switch back one time just above the via ferrata ladder. Descend on rebar rungs to the crag.

Routes from Left to Right

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The crag, with Faith for scale.
[Hide Photo] The crag, with Faith for scale.

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Marty Bland
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] can get the guide book at mountain gear. Called Inland N.W. rock climbs. Sep 17, 2018