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Krack House

Massachusetts > N Shore > Lynn Woods > Nature Valley Area > Krack House Area


This is a 20' tall boulder located about 20' off the trail with a striking, vertical crack running up the middle of the face and a left sloping arete. There is a tree in the middle of the face.

Getting There

It is N26 on the map.

Routes from Left to Right

V3 6A
Krystian's Krack
V5 6C
Bob's Arete
V0 4
T Crack
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Krystian's Krack
V3 6A Boulder
Bob's Arete
V5 6C Boulder
T Crack
V0 4 Boulder

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Krystian's Krack.
[Hide Photo] Krystian's Krack.

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Dave Twardowski
Los Angeles, CA
[Hide Comment] Such a great area. Thanks for the beta, Tim! Apr 24, 2017