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Woden Peak

International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Kootenays > W Kootenay > Slocan Valley > Valhalla Mountains


Woden is a lesser known peak in the Valhallas, but like most peaks in the area, it deserves more attention. The peak towers over the McKean lakes basin with over 700m of vertical relief. The rock is gneiss, like most peaks in the Valhallas. The rock quality on Woden is generally pretty good, not as solid as some peaks, but its better than most peaks in the Canadian Rockies.

Getting There

Drive to Slocan and start up Little Slocan River FSR until you reach a turn off for Koch creek FSR, look for the mining operation. Continue up Koch Creek Road for roughly 30km and look for the McKean lakes trail sign on the right side. The drive up Koch creek is best done in a vehicle with reasonably good ground clearance. After the drive hike up the good clear 2.5 km trail to the McKean lakes basin. Once at the upper lakes there is lots of good spots to camp if you want to. On a side note, there are some buildings for a ski operation in the basin, please be respectful to the owners and don't mess with their stuff.

Routes from Left to Right

5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
West Ridge
Trad, Alpine 3 pitches
3rd 1- 1 I 1 M 1a
South Ridge
Trad, Alpine
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
West Ridge
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad, Alpine 3 pitches
South Ridge
3rd 1- 1 I 1 M 1a Trad, Alpine

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Woden peak
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