** There is a church at the base/ start of McIntrye Rd with signs of no trespassing. They do not own all of the land in the area and various other access points to the area, but please be courteous and try to avoid something that would cause a closure of the gate to the main access point of MckIntrye Rd.The main issue in the area is illegal dumping, so just don't show up in a dump truck and your fine. 4wd/Awd is advised if possible for access to the area.
Legit boulder problems. Occasional dirtbikes. Often stoner hangout. Good quality granite. Lots of nearby potential just waiting to get opened up. Semi rough road at locale, but many a city car can make it.
Getting There
From Nuevo Rd. head South on Menifee Rd. turn East on Central to Ramona Ave. Turn Right onto dirt road and up a steep and winding section to a large open area and the boulder city. Good parking under pepper tree next to fence.