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Colorado > S Platte > Devil's Head > Devil's Gate Sector
Warning Access Issue: Road and Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Slabulous is buttress of rock just west of Devil's Gate which offers numerous easy-moderate sport routes. The top of the climbs offer fantastic views. Most of the routes are sport routes.

Getting There

Follow the trail to Devil's Gate. Then follow a faint trail up the hill (left) to the base of the buttress. It is ~1-3 minutes from Devil's Gate.

Routes from Left to Right

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A sign to Devil's Gate.
[Hide Photo] A sign to Devil's Gate.

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Aaron Sefton
Lakewood, CO
[Hide Comment] Since this is a newly developed crag, I had to use Mountain Project, "the Devil's Head" digital guide on the Rakkup app, and Google Earth to find it. We parked in the pullout campsite on Jackson Creek Rd. and found the faint trail directly across the street in a break in the barbed wire fence. Though the trail is pretty well defined for the most part, there are definitely a few spots where it's easy to lose the trail. The digital guide includes a GPS and compass which helped us avoid unnecessary bushwhacking. The approach is kinda steep, especially with gear, but this is a great crag! Nov 5, 2016
Some Guy
somewhere, USA
[Hide Comment] This place doesn't want to be found. My wife & I took one of our rare days off when we had child care to check this place out and ended up hiking ~4 hours with sport and trad gear and a 70m rope and never climbed a single route. I 'thought' Tod's full color "Devil's Head Climbing" guidebook would ensure this wouldn't happen, but alas...we were Falcon'd. Even with the signs on trees out there, we couldn't find any of the routes pictured in the guidebook. We might have found Devil's Gate, and we definitely found some routes with fresh chalk that looked like 5.12s, but nothing that matched up with the pictures in the guidebook, so I couldn't even use what we found for reference on where we were. On the way out of 'Devil's Gate' (I think?), we saw a sign for Private Idaho Sector, but 3+ hours of hiking with gear cranked our F-it volume to 11, so we decided to call it a day and head home. Even if you know EXACTLY where you're going, plan on an hour hike to get there, and that's only if you've already been there and really know EXACTLY where you're going. Postmortem, it 'looks' like we were in Devil's Gate, and you have to hike through the corridor with the bolted wall on your right and unbolted wall on your left and then find a trail that goes to the other side of the wall on your left after you're through the corridor and the trail angles down a bit...but who knows? We'll never be back, and I wouldn't recommend this area to anyone To anyone who does try to find this crag...good luck! Jun 15, 2022
[Hide Comment] Not sure how you got lost, Shawn. The approach trail literally takes you to the base of Devil's Gate. Slabulous is 100 feet directly west and within view. Jun 15, 2022
Andy Eames
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] I would echo Derek here. I've never had trouble finding crags around Devil's Head using Tod's guidebook and/or Mountain Project. That includes Slabulous, which can be plainly seen from Devil's Gate, which itself is an unmistakable crag. Jun 15, 2022