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International > Europe > Sweden


Uppsala is a college town about an hour North of Stockholm, that happens to be home to some very nice granite boulders in the forest as well as some rope climbing. While I wouldn't say it's a destination, if you're in the area or in Stockholm you should check it out! The rock quality is mostly very solid, and the granite ranges from black and smooth, to reddish granite, and standard rough grey blocks.

A lot more beta can be found on 27 crags which is maintained and kept pretty up to date by the locals. Most of the beta is in Swedish, but I will add a few descriptions of standout problems in English. There is also a guidebook to Stockholm and Uppsala bouldering by Stefan Eklund, which is also in Swedish.

Getting There

From the Arlanda airport, the E4 North will take you to Uppsala. Maybe 30 minutes from the airport, an hour if you come from Stockholm.