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Fallston Boulder Garden



Shady and secluded.

Getting There

Park just down the road from the green metal bridge, at the primary parking area or one of several pull offs. Walk along the road past the metal bridge and a second small cement bridge. On the left, just past the cement bridges guardrail, should be a well established fisher / climber trail that you can walk left along until you reach the boulders. The trail leading right is a mountain bike trail.

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Take the left trail, toward the river, which leads to all the boulders. It can get pretty muddy after a rain. The trail to the right is a mountain bike trail.
[Hide Photo] Take the left trail, toward the river, which leads to all the boulders. It can get pretty muddy after a rain. The trail to the right is a mountain bike trail.
Walk over this bridge to get to the trail to the boulders. The green metal bridge is behind you here, trail is on the left after the guard rail.
[Hide Photo] Walk over this bridge to get to the trail to the boulders. The green metal bridge is behind you here, trail is on the left after the guard rail.
George on Sleigh Ride
[Hide Photo] George on Sleigh Ride

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greg koz
Colorado Springs
[Hide Comment] Most of these routes have been climbed by myself or friends 15 years ago. Try to contact Eric Cook, he knows the history. I know I wasn’t the first to climb here Jan 15, 2020