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International > Africa > Morocco > Todra Gorge


The "Inconnu" area is a beautiful south east cliff with very adherent compact limestone.There are 6 top rope routes from 30 to 35m  - it is not very well equipped. Grades range from 5.10d to 5.13a

Sector at the exit of the gorges is one of the cliffs to the left at the top of the slope.

Getting There

Since the exit of the gorge towards Tamtatouch, walk 100 m along the road and turn left to view by following the best paths. It takes 15min to reach the cliff. It is the wall on left of Gullich area.

Descent :
The same path

Routes from Left to Right

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Guidebook climbing in the Todra gorges, Morocco <br>
Topo escalade gorges du Todgha, Maroc <br>
Beyond the gorges, left / Au delà des gorges, gauche
[Hide Photo] Guidebook climbing in the Todra gorges, Morocco Topo escalade gorges du Todgha, Maroc Beyond the gorges, left / Au delà des gorges, gauche
Climbing in Morocco Escalade au Maroc<br>
Guidebook climbing in the Todra gorges <br>
Inconnu area
[Hide Photo] Climbing in Morocco Escalade au Maroc Guidebook climbing in the Todra gorges Inconnu area