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Holy Cross Wilderness

Colorado > Alpine Rock


The Holy Cross Wilderness includes one of the finest, yet least crowded ranges in Colorado. Obscure climbs, scrambles, and couloirs run rampant through the numerous secluded 12ers and 13ers. Yes, some of the approaches might see a bit of traffic, given the pristine lakes and rugged peak views, but the high country is generally quite untouched.

Mount of the Holy Cross is the range's northern monarch. The range gives way to the bulkier aspects of the Sawatch around Twin Lakes and Homestake Reservoir to the south.

In general, there are three primary N/S trending ridge groupings in the HCW:

1) Mount of the Holy Cross to Savage to the east.
2) The Grouse Mountain and Jackson ridgeline at center.
3) Finnegan/New York on down to Gold Dust, Fools, Pika, Eagle, et al to the west.

2. and 3. connect to the E-W trending, fantastically-rugged Lime Creek drainage to the south.

Getting There

From the west, access is via the Brush Creek Road heading south from Eagle or the Frying Pan Road heading east from Basalt. Expect a lot of rough 2WD dirt.

From the East, access to the HCW is generally off of the Holy Cross Road or the Homestake Reservoir Road and spurs between Minturn and Tennessee Pass.

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First glimpse of Mount of the Holy Cross  after crossing Half Moon Pass.

Mid Summer, 2016.
[Hide Photo] First glimpse of Mount of the Holy Cross after crossing Half Moon Pass. Mid Summer, 2016.