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Peak 12,192

California > High Sierra > 08 - Bishop Pass & Ev…


The peak lies southwest of Hurd Peak, is somewhat insignificant from the east but the Northwest Ridge looks promising from a camp at Lower Treasure Lakes.

There's a fabulous view of Mount Goode from its summit.

Getting There

From the Bishop Pass Trailhead at South lake, follow the trail until there's a junction right pointing to Treasure Lakes, the trail rapidly gets you to the lower lakes, where there are some fine campsites.

The peak sites southwest of these lakes, with its Northwest Ridge ending at the eastern of the two large lakes.

Routes from Left to Right

Easy 5th 1+ 3 I 5 M 1c
Northeast Ridge, Traverse from H…
Trad, Alpine
3rd 1- 1 I 1 M 1a
Northwest Ridge
Trad, Alpine
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Northeast Ridge, Traverse f…
Easy 5th 1+ 3 I 5 M 1c Trad, Alpine
Northwest Ridge
3rd 1- 1 I 1 M 1a Trad, Alpine

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Pk, 12192 seen from the approach to Mount Johnson - late winter.
[Hide Photo] Pk, 12192 seen from the approach to Mount Johnson - late winter.
Peak and Northwest Ridge seen from Upper Treasure Lakes, with the obvious broad step in the ridge.
[Hide Photo] Peak and Northwest Ridge seen from Upper Treasure Lakes, with the obvious broad step in the ridge.
Peak 12,182 from a winter camp at Lower Treasure Lakes
[Hide Photo] Peak 12,182 from a winter camp at Lower Treasure Lakes

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Is this the sub peak of Hurd peak? Sep 10, 2019
Chris Owen
Big Bear Lake
[Hide Comment] Well - it's on the same ridge that runs to Hurd Col. But I wouldn't call it a sub-peak, I think it's a peak unto itself. Sep 11, 2019