As of April 2016, all routes are open to climbing.
To the east of the race crack area there is a blank section of wall often referred to as The Blonde Wall, containing no routes. The Green Crack Area is just after this blank wall. The area contains awesome cracks that are all around 5.10. The green crack route itself is another classic splitter that goes for several pitches with the option between a steep off-width and a overhanging hand crack that passes a roof. This is a small area with some radical climbs. The rock quality is definitely not the best in Danland, so expect crumbling and biting cracks. Some routes may clean up in time, others are just rotten rock in sections.
Getting There
Once you arrive at the main wall, turn right and walk for another 10 minutes along the trail uphill to the green crack area, the trail to green crack breaks off to the left. The wall's recognizable by the large roof a couple pitches up.