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Texas > Hueco Tanks > N Mountain
Warning Access Issue: Some areas require a guide. DetailsDrop down


Located at the base of a canyon, far removed from the other conventional areas of North Mountain. Technical feet.

Getting There

Walk to the top most rock outcropping on the west side of North mountain. Approaching from the Grenade area, head east until you reach a canyon with a yellow cross painted on a rock above it, right by the Foxes Den. Follow this canyon west 1/4 mile and around the corner. You will approach Bloodline from above. It will be the striking climb 30ft below you.

Routes from Left to Right

V7 7A+
V2 5+
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
V7 7A+ Boulder
V2 5+ Boulder

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Looking down at the downclimb before the Bloodline corridor.
[Hide Photo] Looking down at the downclimb before the Bloodline corridor.
Halfway from Baby Face to Bloodline. Top of first rock hill, looking west to ramp to second hill after sandy floor.
[Hide Photo] Halfway from Baby Face to Bloodline. Top of first rock hill, looking west to ramp to second hill after sandy floor.
This way to Bloodline and Bob's new album
[Hide Photo] This way to Bloodline and Bob's new album