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Ozark Wildlife Area



Ozark Wildlife Area is located in Jackson county 2 1/2 miles northeast of Canton. It is a 323-acre wildlife area situated along the north fork of the Maquoketa River. The area features bolted sport climbs on fine Iowa limestone.

Getting There

From E-17 in Canton take 6th Ave north. Take a right on 166th St. Then left on 21st Ave. You will cross the river then take a right onto 187th St. This Level B maintenance road can be a real mess during rainy spells. Park along the 21st ave if need be and hike in. 187 runs along a field before passing the Ozark parking lot and entering the wildlife area. All the bolted routes are located along 187.

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Sign you'll see when you get to the border of the preserve. Path is to the left.
[Hide Photo] Sign you'll see when you get to the border of the preserve. Path is to the left.
Large Boulders have been ripped off of the surrounding landscape and placed in the center of the road ( probably to prevent motorized traffic and an increased volume of four-wheeling in recent years which has torn up the surrounding habitat).
[Hide Photo] Large Boulders have been ripped off of the surrounding landscape and placed in the center of the road ( probably to prevent motorized traffic and an increased volume of four-wheeling in recent year…

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Nick Pryor
Madison, WI
[Hide Comment] Was there yesterday. 187th Street is now closed off to vehicles with a gate as a Level C maintenance road. There is room to park outside of it though. You can hike along the cornfield until you get to the sign for the wildlife area (it is almost completely hidden by overgrowth). The trail that runs past Hoot Bluff and 187 Crag can be hiked but is very overgrown with stinging nettles and other plants - long pants are a must! Jul 24, 2020