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Ghost Dance Canyon

Illinois > Dixon Springs SP


Ghost Dance Canyon is a small canyon with boulder strewn hillsides and a beautiful meandering creek. Everywhere you look there is something good to climb. Ghost Dance has seen the feats of John Gill and holds many decades of climbing. Unfortunately the climbs here have been poorly documented. Feel free to add boulder problems, but you must include PHOTOS!

A strong case could be made that this is the most beautiful bouldering area in Southern Illinois. A 

So much potential here people, get out and climb!

Getting There

From the park entrance, drive approximately 0.2 mile to the fork and turn left.  Follow the road to the parking lot at the swimming pool entrance.  Cross the bridge over the stream and turn left to Ghost Dance Canyon trail.  Follow the trail for 1/2 mile into the canyon.

The following information is from Jim Detterline's 1982 guidebook "A Climber's Guide To The Mid-South, Selected Routes": The canyon, just south of the swimming pool, offers several possibilities for solid routes as high as 60'. One of (John) Gill's hardest boulder problems, the PERSIAN WALL, is located here.

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Ghost Dance Canyon
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Hills Branch
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