Don't climb on wet rock! Sandstone is a porous rock type that can absorb a lot of water. It can lose up to 75% of its strength while wet, making it easy to snap off holds and irreparably damage classic climbs. Wait 48 to 72hrs after precipitation. If the ground is still damp then the rock is still wet. A great way to check for precipitation history before traveling to Joe's is to go to this site-
and under "Data Charts" click the "Precipitation" tab. Make sure the surface wetness is 0 before climbing.
Only 2 problems found in this area (that I'm aware of). Boulders can be seen from the road and require a river crossing and a short hike up hill. Doesn't appear that these boulders see much traffic.
Getting There
Drive 1.6 miles up left fork. The Vendetta boulder is easy to spot with a distinctive v shape visible from the road.