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Zarecki Krov

International > Europe > Croatia > Pazin


This crag has some hard climbing, but the season for it is short (basically only Fall). A lake forms at the base of almost all routes throughout Winter and Spring. The same lake was still there during my visit in July. The style of climbing is very overhanging or roof climbing, except on the sides of the cave where the routes are also much easier.

Getting There

The GPS coordinates point to the cave. From the gas station in Pazin, continue on the road north-east towards Novaki Pazinski. This road crosses the train tracks a twice within 1.7km. Right before it goes under the train tracks a third time (the train tracks are on the bridge), there's a dirt road on the left. Follow this dirt road 200m to reach a little parking lot. The road is 2WD accessible. The cave is just 50m further. If you come in the wrong season, you'll hear the waterfall and know where the lake/cave is to be found.

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Zarecki krov
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