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Weidman Memorial Park
> Baraboo Range
A small community park to the west of the village of Rock Springs, not to be confused with Abelman's Gorge State Natural Area to the north of town. The rock in the park is mostly quartzite, with some patches of partially metamorphosized sandstone reminiscent of the splatters on Asleep at Devil's Lake. Many ridges protrude from the steep gorge sides, and careful exploration will reveal more climbing and bouldering.
There has been some exploration here in the past, but the rock is generally lower-quality, and this has kept development to a minimum (at least as far as I can tell). That said, there are pockets of higher-quality stone and much potential for those willing to search it out and clean it.
Getting There
From the village of Rock Springs head west on State Highway 154. About 0.9 miles after passing County Highway D there will be a gravel turnout on the left (southwest) side of the road with parking for a few vehicles, about a quarter-mile further down the road there is a state-owned wayside on the right (northeast) side of the road. Different areas will be more easily accessed from one or the other of these two parking areas. The GPS coordinates listed here will take you to the state-owned wayside.
While I could not find anything saying climbing in Wiedman Memorial Park is illegal, nor could I find anything saying it is legal. It is almost certainly best to keep any climbing activity here low-profile. Please be respectful and aware of neighboring private land. Pick up some trash on your way in and out of the park. Also avoid the area during deer hunting season, as hunters have been encountered in season and there is no reason to create animosity between user groups.
[Hide Photo] "May these acres of trees, rocks, and creek be left so nature can show us her grandeur in honor of a conservation pioneer and a grandson who enjoyed the narrows with him." Please honor the spiri…
[Hide Photo] Jacob Krenn flirting with the business on Helen.
[Hide Comment] I'm surprised there hasn't been more exploration here! There is a lot of rock on the northeast side of the highway. Personally, I'd bring a rope in addition to a bouldering pad, there are some 30 ft tall walls. In contrast to James, I think the rock quality is great! More featured than most of Devil's Lake, but solid. However, there is a fair amount of dirt and vegetation.
According to the tax parcel maps, this property is owned by the Village of Rock Springs (but is west of the village zoning?). There are a couple of ancient stone foundations adjacent to the highway, toward the village from the WDOT wayside.
Dec 26, 2021
Delta, CO
According to the tax parcel maps, this property is owned by the Village of Rock Springs (but is west of the village zoning?). There are a couple of ancient stone foundations adjacent to the highway, toward the village from the WDOT wayside. Dec 26, 2021