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05. Hawk's Nest

Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > Devil's Lake Bo… > E Bluff > E Bluff S Face > 08. E Rampart


There are boulder problems to be climbed at The Hawk's Nest. Some have been done, and some not.

Getting There

Walk west along the base of the cliffs at the top of the CCC trail. Pass the Orgasm boulder and once you hit the famous route Bagatelle you are at the Pseudo-Hawk's Nest and there are boulders to be climbed.  Hawk's Nest proper, and the problem "Shredder" are beyond the next buttress.

Routes from Left to Right

V10 7C+
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
V10 7C+ Boulder

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Shredder starts on the left and goes right.
[Hide Photo] Shredder starts on the left and goes right.