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Dueling Hammers Formation

Arizona > Central Arizona > *Phoenix Areas > Little Granite… > Lost Bandana Area


North Side of Spaghetti Wall Area.
Good granite, not as flaky as Lost Bandana Wall.

Getting There

Follow the Granite Mountain Loop Trail (see main Lost Bandana Area description) until Lost Bandana Wall is directly up the hill to the North. Head right off the trail at the large angled boulder (think Pride Rock). Cairns mark a zig-zag path up and to the right of the wash. Alternate approach:
Heading northwest down from Pasta Pinnacle. Follow the old fence along the saddle then turn left.

Routes from Left to Right

5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Dueling Hammers
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad
Dueling Hammers
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad

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View South. Dueling hammers runs up the hump where the sunlight is hitting.
[Hide Photo] View South. Dueling hammers runs up the hump where the sunlight is hitting.
The granite is good so this start was way more pleasant than I thought it would be. No pro, no problem!
[Hide Photo] The granite is good so this start was way more pleasant than I thought it would be. No pro, no problem!
The granite is good so this start was way more pleasant than I thought it would be. No pro, no problem!
[Hide Photo] The granite is good so this start was way more pleasant than I thought it would be. No pro, no problem!
You can see the start of the chimney-ish route in the right hand corner
[Hide Photo] You can see the start of the chimney-ish route in the right hand corner
My partner and I lead all the cracks pictured. They are each short but offer something different and make it very fun! One is kind of chimney-ish, one a layback, the other with some good crack moves. All pretty mild.
[Hide Photo] My partner and I lead all the cracks pictured. They are each short but offer something different and make it very fun! One is kind of chimney-ish, one a layback, the other with some good crack move…