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Deadman Roadside Crags

California > High Desert > Apple Valley Area > Deadman's Point
Warning Access Issue: Part of this area lies on private property. DetailsDrop down


Nice rock quality, in a cove just off the road. Cracks, faces and bouldering.

Getting There

Just south of the Bear Valley and Hwy 18 intersection. A small west facing cove just off the road.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Dead South (A), Shark Island (B) and Dog Rock (C), Deadman's Point
[Hide Photo] Dead South (A), Shark Island (B) and Dog Rock (C), Deadman's Point
Random graffiti, Deadman's Point
[Hide Photo] Random graffiti, Deadman's Point
Pennywise was here, Deadman's Point
[Hide Photo] Pennywise was here, Deadman's Point
Dead South, Deadman's Point
[Hide Photo] Dead South, Deadman's Point
5.6 top rope.
[Hide Photo] 5.6 top rope.
Fun fun
[Hide Photo] Fun fun
High bally
[Hide Photo] High bally