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C. GooseBerry

International > N America > Canada > Ontario > Ontario S Bould… > Golden Horseshoe > Mt Nemo
Warning Access Issue: Top rope ban in effect@SEMICOLON@ DO NOT SLING THE CEDARS. DetailsDrop down


This is the southernmost climbing area at Mt. Nemo. It receives morning sun and then goes into the shade. The rock is limestone.

Getting There

From the parking lot, walk the main trail to the outlook. At the outlook, turn right. You will walk south along the cliff line. After ~10 minutes of walking, you will come to a slot that is easy to walk down. This is Gooseberry Gully. Descend this gully. Turn right. This is the start of the GooseBerry area.

Routes from Left to Right

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The black wall, 5.10b
[Hide Photo] The black wall, 5.10b