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Upper Wall (aka "The Ramp")
> Europe
> United Kingdom
> England
> S West
> Avon Gorge
At the left end of the Sea Walls is an enormous, leftwards-slanting ramp, created by rock stabilisation works some time in the 60s (*check this*). Above this is a slightly overhanging wall of compact, textured rock, and some of the most popular hard routes in the gorge. The character of the climbs here is very different to the rest of the gorge, owing to the steeper angle, abundant protection provided by cracks or solid fixed gear, and sound rock.
The crag is a real suntrap, and is climbable year-round. The best conditions can be found on a crisp, sunny winter's day, when friction is at it's best. In the summer, it can get sweltering so a day with a stiff breeze and maybe some cloud cover is probably best.
Newcomers often start with the popular crack climbs "Banshee" and "New Horizons 2" (both E2 5c or mid 5.10). From there progress to the classic and airy route "Them" and the well-protected, cruxy "Mirage" (both E3 6a or low 5.11), and on to even harder routes!
Getting There
From the Sea Walls car park, walk to the left end of the crag and up a huge ramp. The climbs are on the wall above. An alternative approach can be made by abseil down from the North West corner of the Downs.
[Hide Comment] Excellent climbing, probably some of the only cragging one can do at the Gorge. All routes have rap anchors (though for Them, you should walk/low angle rap down a bit just past he lone glue in to a set of rap rings that will deposit you just left of New Horizons II)
When rappelling in from the top, be mindful of knocking the large amount of loose rock.
Mar 24, 2019
When rappelling in from the top, be mindful of knocking the large amount of loose rock. Mar 24, 2019