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I. Long Ryders Wall

Arizona > Northern Arizona > Northern AZ Bou… > Flagstaff Bould… > Lake Mary Areas > Land of High Bo… > A. The Drysdale Trail


The Long Ryders Wall is a bulging crown of limestone, perforated with big deep pockets, clean crimps, joyous finger buckets and more. Expect unique lines with plenty of deadpointing, dynoing, and gut sucking tension moves. This is certainly one of Rob's better walls out here.

This is a sunny wall, and you will want cool temps to enjoy it. 25-40 degrees and sunny is perfect, though a little warmer and cloudy might be easier on the eyes.

Getting There

Hike east past the Booze Pig and Half-life Walls. It is unmistakable when you finally lock eyes on it.

Routes from Left to Right

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

JJ kicking 'em up on Blue Corn Sunday.<br>
Wade Forrest Photo.
[Hide Photo] JJ kicking 'em up on Blue Corn Sunday. Wade Forrest Photo.
A busy day indeed.<br>
BVB photo
[Hide Photo] A busy day indeed. BVB photo
Busy day at the Long Ryder Wall<br>
BVB photo
[Hide Photo] Busy day at the Long Ryder Wall BVB photo
And from the right...
[Hide Photo] And from the right...
From the left...
[Hide Photo] From the left...
Long Ryders Wall Topo
[Hide Photo] Long Ryders Wall Topo

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

jon bernhard
Buena Vista, CO
[Hide Comment] many of the routes on this wall were named; stich in time, long riders, pinch overhang,

long live the spirit of Robert Drysdale. Dec 3, 2010
JJ Schlick
Flagstaff, AZ
[Hide Comment] Hey guys,

I am always up for a history lesson, and making things right, rest assured. Even if it all comes down to fuzzy recollections in the end.

Personally, I find this whole band of limestone intriguing, stunning, and sometimes mind boggling. And, I have for the last thirteen years or so...

It certainly presents a myriad of challenges.

Really, I am just trying to entice people to check it out, because if they do, there is a 50/50 chance that they will love it. And the way I feel about it, I think Rob would love to see the sports action, in a place that he left so much of his energy and promise!

I have had visions of a "Drysdale Trail" that would link this whole band as one, and really unearth the wealth of climbing that (in my minds eye), I know Rob was thinking about...... Kindred spirits. JJ

Dec 3, 2010