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Frog Peak (Mount Wilton/Sugarloaf)

International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Kootenays > W Kootenay > Slocan Valley


This mountain has a "Half Dome like" north face that is visible from near the town of Winlaw, BC. The first route up the north face of Mount Wilton was reported by David Lussier in the Canadian Alpine Journal as being called Frog Peak. In the Backroad Mapbook for the Kootenay Rockies BC the peak is labeled as Mt Wilton. On the both Mountain Project locator map and the CAJ photo above, a third name is also used; Sugarloaf.

Canadians take pride in their mosaic of cultures as opposed to the "melting pot". A few years after posting this page, google maps used all three names for the same mountain (slightly off the target location). As a native of Palo Alto, it makes me proud to see the mosaic concept has made it south to Google!

Only one climb up the face so far. Some old guy once said: "There is no future in climbing established routes."


About six kilometers up the Little Slocan River, look for a left onto Boulder Creek Road. A few km after the road leaves the creek, stay right on a logging road that traverses to the next valley west and ends on east slopes of Mount Wilton.

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