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Cedar Eater Boulder

California > Yosemite NP > Yosemite Valley > Yosemite Valle… > Mist Trail Boulders
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It's a large boulder with an exceptional 5-6" roof crack. Most likely partially underwater early season, as it is right next to the Merced.

Getting There

Hike up the Mist Trail about 3/4 of a mile. There will be a rock wall on your right. When it ends, walk another 100 yards on the trail. It will climb up and then dip briefly. 50 yards after this, leave the trail and hike down the hillside, trending left. The boulder is truck-sized and is next to the river.

Routes from Left to Right

V0+ 4+
V5 6C
Cedar Eater
V0+ 4+
Bumba BareFoot
V3 6A
Volleyball Arete
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
V0+ 4+ Boulder
Cedar Eater
V5 6C Boulder
Bumba BareFoot
V0+ 4+ Boulder
Volleyball Arete
V3 6A Boulder

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Cedar eater.
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