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N Carolina > 4. Eastern Region > Carrboro/University L…
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


Tucked away boulders near the dam at University Lake. Rock can be slick, but real solid. Spiders galore.

Getting There

From Tar Hill Drive, take the trail beyond dumpsters and immediately take the left hand trail that follows the creek. Stay close to the bank and do not go near the house.

Skirt along the hills next to the creek for a quarter mile until it flattens out into a beautiful forested floodplain. Follow the trail for another quarter mile to reach Spiderqueen and Mad Dog.

From the rest of the boulders, follow the trail heading west along the creek for ~ 800m (0.5 mi). Cut down to the creek just before reaching the dam and look for the old train trestle.

Routes from Left to Right

V1- 5-
Arachnid Arete
V6 7A
Lolth would approve
V2- 5+
Moist Pedipalps
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Arachnid Arete
V1- 5- Boulder
Lolth would approve
V6 7A Boulder
Moist Pedipalps
V2- 5+ Boulder

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Picture of Spiderqueen boulders from upstream closer to the dam.
[Hide Photo] Picture of Spiderqueen boulders from upstream closer to the dam.