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Old Boulder

California > San Jacinto Mou… > Tramway > Shangri-La Valley > W Rim
Warning Access Issue: Remember to fill out a wilderness permit, even if climbing for the day! DetailsDrop down


Next to the Young Boulder situated at the top of the canyon is this boulder. Its east face has a couple of moderate problems that climb climb sharp patina featured rock up to a knife edge finish.

Getting There

Walk up the canyon. Just before it starts to drop down the other side you'll come to this boulder.

Routes from Left to Right

V-easy 3
Old's Cool
V-easy 3
Problem A
V0 4
Problem B
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Old's Cool
V-easy 3 Boulder
Problem A
V-easy 3 Boulder
Problem B
V0 4 Boulder

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Jeffy on Old's Cool (V-easy), Tramway
[Hide Photo] Jeffy on Old's Cool (V-easy), Tramway