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Camarillo Springs Boulder (Lonesome Cube)

California > Central Coast


Off limits to climbing. Listed here for historical purposes only.

Getting There

101 to Camarillo Springs Rd. 

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Routes do not have names that I know of. Different route's ratings are listed as well as the location of the decent and bolts for top roping.
[Hide Photo] Routes do not have names that I know of. Different route's ratings are listed as well as the location of the decent and bolts for top roping.

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[Hide Comment] The boulders at the start of the park off to the right, i was climbing them recently and am unaware of the climbs and if they have ratings? could use some insight if you know anything on the matter. Thanks. Dec 6, 2016
Flint Moon
Thousand Oaks, CA
[Hide Comment] This boulder is currently off limits, but there are efforts underway by the awesome folks at the Access Fund to finally get this boulder open to climbers. If anyone is interested in helping (clean-up, coordination and cleaning routes) feel free to shoot me an email. Apr 4, 2017
Spencer Blackwood
Ventura, Ca
[Hide Comment] Ty, I am creating a sub area for the boulders along the dog park trail. There are about 5 blocks with a number of different problems on them. I have done a bunch of research and have only been able to find one short video of some guys bouldering the larger block on the overhanging south facing side. There is always chalk on this side of the boulder. I am going to create the page and hopefully more locals with prior knowledge will add their input. Apr 25, 2021