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Graveyard Boulders

Colorado > Gunnison > Taylor Canyon > Taylor Canyon Bouldering


A Cluster of large granite boulders under the Coffin Crack area. There are many classic problems including the must-do "Canine Levitation".

NOTE: Most directions are given assuming that upstream is East, downstream is West, ...etc.

Getting There

Park at Second Buttress and hike up river on the dirt road that will eventually turn into a trail. It is about a 2.5 mile hike. Alternatively, drive up river to mile marker 10, turn around, park on the other side of the road, and take the Tyrollean (or wade in between the upper and lower Graveyard areas if the tyrol is down) across the river right to the boulders.

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Start on a sloper feature, and climb into compression for a techy topout.
[Hide Photo] Start on a sloper feature, and climb into compression for a techy topout.

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[Hide Comment] Park at Doctor's Park Trailhead, and follow the trail that goes upstream. The trail is mostly there with some mild bushwhacking thrown in. Crossing the river is also an option, but that depends on season and water flow. Sep 1, 2024